Monday, October 22, 2012

The Minister

Who is this Minister who claims to be the Messiah of God?

The Minister

Let me tell you. This minister is unique, my friend; he taught us many wonderful things. Love God with all your being, with all your heart, mind, soul, and body. And love each other, as one's self.

He taught us to live and obey the ten commandments as God gave Moses on the mountain.

He said to repent of our sins and to believe in him as the radiance of the Father's Glory and his exact representation. He gave us eternal life and God's eternal favor as a free gift.

He gave us a new command, even to love each other as he loved us. We felt from him constant, overwhelming love. He also said to love one another as we want others to love us.

He proved his love as he died for us. No greater Love has anyone than he lay down his life for his friends. We are bought, paid for, ransomed, and redeemed by his Love as a free gift.

The minister wanted us to completely trust and obey the Father as he did. He always asked the Father's Will before he did anything. He was like the ancient Hebrews who consulted God before they acted or went into battle.

The minister taught us to pray. He said we must forgive others, or we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The minister said we should be ready to help others in need, even our enemies. To feed them, to give them drink, to house strangers, to help others with proper clothing. He wanted us to visit the sick and those in prison. He said when we helped others, it would be the same as helping him.

He also gave us the Holy Spirit and sent us to preach and to witness, and to forgive sins. To heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cleanse the leper, to cast out demons. And he told us to do it all for Free, that he would always provide for us and be with us.

He explained how he is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the only way to the Father. He taught us many other things as well.

No man ever taught or lived as this man. Come follow him.

Bill Hunt
World in Christ


Unknown said...

Bill, thank you for this!Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life... God made flesh and the living embodiment of the Word. He is our hope!

BILL HUNT said...


Thank you so much for your kind words.
May Jesus bless you with his Tremendous Love from the cross and the Glorious Power of his Resurrection. May he bless all of your needs.
