Monday, June 11, 2012

God Speaks to Man—Mary Hunt

Have you Great Love? World Pastors are calling for

Men and Women of Faith.

Jesus Sends His Disciples.

The Father looks on his beloved Son -
My son in whom I take delight,
formed from the depths of my heart you are
The apple of my eye, filled with my might.
My son, born to be crowned a king
To move in full authority
To speak my word and walk my commands
Scepter and ring are in your hands.

Stand tall, my Son; call not retreat.
Trample the enemy under your feet.
For you have my power; you have my sword
You have my covering; I am your Lord.
Come here, draw close and listen to me;
Hear me tell of our victory.
The picture I form is within your head;
Trust what I give you; remember I’ve said
You’re the head, not the tail,
You’re the first, not the last.
Look to my coming; forget what is past.

My blood covers over; you’re free to begin.
Discover the calling I’ve placed within.
Rise up and follow; it’s time that we start
To gather together those near to my heart.
Gather together: invite them all in.
Tell them my story: I deliver from sin.
Tell them I love them; show them my love.
Tell them I’m coming soon from above.
Tell them I love them; tell them I’m coming,
Tell them, tell them, O Son of my love.

by Mary Hunt (c.) 2012

As a man, woman, pastor, or mission agency,
email me if you want world mission contacts.
Bill Hunt

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